Board CV Writing Service

When transitioning from an executive role to a board career, many simply submit their executive CV, thinking that it will suffice. But research has shown that, in order to obtain a position on a board, you stand a much better chance when you have a dedicated Board CV.

Board CV Writing Service

What is the Difference Between an Executive CV and a Board CV?

A Board CV differs from an Executive CV as far as structure, content and tone are concerned. This can make the difference between getting that call to say you have been successfully appointed to the board or having to keep applying for more board roles.

For this reason, you should invest in having a professionally written Board CV that reflects everything a Board or Appointment Committee will be looking for when going through resumés.

Although a Board CV can’t guarantee you a board appointment, a CV that effectively outlines what you can offer a board can give your application the edge over other less succinct ones. It is often the smallest thing on a CV that can see you shortlisted for a board interview.

Although your executive successes do play a role in a NED application, it’s usually not the deciding factor when it comes to the final decision to appoint a candidate to a board. Therefore it’s crucial that the CV that accompanies your board application, reflects your ability to fulfill the responsibilities that a board role will require from you.

An effective Board CV will demonstrate above all that you know what you will offer the board once you are appointed.

This has to be made clear in your Board Profile section. Since the Board Profile is so important, it has to state clearly (with evidence) that you are ready to fill the required position. This usually requires a few rewrites and often has to be rewritten to suit the board you are applying to.

With experience writing over 800 Board CVs over the past ten years, we have the ability to use your current Executive or C-Level CV and recraft it into an effective Board CV that will help get you that board appointment.

Order your Board CV

A complete Board CV costs only R3989 (ZAR). Email us at and we’ll be in touch regarding payment and the information we need to create your bespoke board CV.

As each CV is individually crafted to reflect the suitability of a candidate for a board role, it takes about 10 working days from the time we receive your initial documentation until you will have a CV ready to be sent to a board. We will start work on your Board CV as soon as we receive the necessary information to work from, and you have paid your fee.

Someone will be in contact with you either by phone (if you supply your phone number) or by email about your Board CV. Please make sure that we are able to contact you in case we need to double-check any information you might have provided. You will receive your finalized documents via email within 10 working days from the time we receive all the necessary information.

Email with any queries.