
about ned careers

After working as a copywriter and marketer in the board search industry for various companies since 2013, we decided to take all that we have learned, cherry-pick the best services we have come to know that prospective board members need and make these available to as many people across the world as we possibly can. Add some time studying as an executive coach and we were able to create a company that can deliver these services in a timely and cost-effective way.

Board Search Services

We believe that anyone with the desire to serve on a board should be allowed an opportunity to do so. Our clients vary from philanthropists who want to give some of their time to housewives who want to make a difference in their communities. Anyone who wants to build a career with a portfolio of board roles can make use of our services.

Our service is based on giving you the tools to make your board search as smooth as possible. We do everything in our power to show you the various ways in which you can get a board role. Then we take it a step further – through our coaching we help you find what it is that separates you from other candidates so that you can use that to your advantage in searching for and applying to a board role that is right for you.

Board Coaching

During our time working in the board recruitment industry, we got to know the world of boards and board members well. Once you study boards, you see that they all have a few things in common. And it’s these commonalities that cause boards to either thrive or fail. If you have a failing board that’s often in strife and cannot constructively enhance the working of the organization the board is supposed to serve, it’s time to get some help. Through board coaching your board can learn how to become a cohesive unit that’s able to work together to lead the organization to success. 

Yes, we know our stuff! Whether you come to us as an individual board member or we are contracted to coach your board as a whole, throughout our coaching time, you will develop the tools and confidence to take the action you need to become an empowered, capable board member, able to do the best for your organization.

Our mission is to enable every board to work together to serve their organization, helping them to reach higher goals and increase the bottom line.

Our way of coaching is to see every board member empower themselves to become the leader the organization needs them to be. Every board is unique and so is every board member. For this reason, we develop a coaching program suited to your board that will bring out the best in each person.

Whether your board is in the process of inducting new members, busy with succession planning, or needs to find a way to work better together, the NED Careers Board Coaching Program will help you become the board your organization deserves.

Email us at info@nedcareers.com for more information.